Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, What Will You Do Next

Public Enemies

Ah, and here he is yet again. The actor with the most serious Identity Crisis I have ever seen. Atleast in this one, he had less makeup and no sequins adorning his costume.
Enough railing on the man, let's talk about his latest flick. Who doesn't like a good gangster movie with an old fashioned gun fight? That's why I raced to see this one, only to have one word railing through my mind as I exited the theater: DEPRESSING! Anyone who's anyone knows of the notorious John Dillinger and is well aware of his demise. I personally didn't need to see two hours of film leading up to it. "You just don't know a good movie when you see it!" is what I'm blasted with, but truth be told, I go to be entertained and when I know the ending before five minutes of the movie has passed, my criteria for being impressed moves up a step. Unfortunately, this one didn't make it up that high. As far as Johnny's part; eh, I'm sure seeing him as the Mad Hatter in the next film will show him as the actor he truly is at heart. Besides I think Bedazzled outfits are what suits the man the best. My biggest question is: when are we going to see another pirate movie?
I'm sure this film will be plastered over many movie award ceremonies but when it's all said and done, I will not pay to own this.

Had To See It Twice

Monsters VS Aliens

So I have a big WOW on this one. Totally took me off guard. From the beginning, I found it intriguing, with the little twist away from the classic childish ways of the computer graphic cartoons we have grown to be accustomed to seeing. In fact, other than occasional slap stick humor, I wouldn't even label it as a "kid" movie. Most of the jokes went way over my little sister's head (and she's pretty smart for a 12 year old) and I even had to ponder on some of the vague references. FYI: it wasn't until my second viewing that the random cow being helicoptered by triggered memories of the "feeding" on Jurassic Park.
All in all, great film, animated very well and cleverly written. Though the kids I saw it with spent most of the time with confused looks on their faces, I was thoroughly entertained and that is what really matters.

Just cause it's Christian Bale, doesn't make it right

Terminator: Salvation

I have to say, for one of my favorite current actors, this brought him down a notch in my view. All special effects aside, they could have replaced the ending with the ending from the original movie and no one would have been the wiser.
As far as our cinematically saturated hero, Bale: his muffled voice heard over an old army radio has more presence in the film than the man himself. Am I sorry I saw it? Well, that goes without saying: of course I'm not. It's the finale to a classic American Film series. I think any movie enthusiast should see it just because. And that way we can add it to the ever growing list of finale flops that have been bombarding our Theatres. This, my friends, can be placed in line with the final Indiana Jones, Rambo, and a plethora of others that just weren't worthy of their predesessors. My last word: watch, don't buy.