Thursday, December 3, 2009

Vaughn does It Again!!

Four Christmases

NUMBER ONE HOLIDAY FILM OF THE YEAR, hands down and thumbs up!! I laughed so hard and plan to laugh more when I see it again. Move over Tim Allen, America has a new Holiday funny man. Regretably, this is an adult movie, mainly because your kids would be bored out of their minds. Unlike so many films before this one is not riddled with the usual slap stick humor, it actually has real, honest to goodness jokes. If there was a comparison, I would have to say "The Breakup" only with that Holiday, feel good, happily ever after ending. Yeha, like you could have anything less with Reese Witherspoon attending. Yes, this one will have the priviledge of adorning my shelves. Vince, you're on a role, keep it up!!

BAM!! Mark Em Naughty!!

Fred Clause

This movie was probably one of my favorites for new holiday Family Films. Vince Vaughn outdoes himself as a modern day scrooge and just the idea of Santa rumbling with his older brother is hilarious. This movie came out in theaters in 2007 but was not released to disc until 2008 so look for it, Buy it, and love it. Nuff said.

You're Gonna Put Your Eye Out!!

A Christmas Story

OK, being that it is "the Season", Figured I open the vaults to an oldie but goodie.

If you have never seen this film, then you not only need to, but you should make it a yearly tradition. "The Christmas Story" is the epitome of the American Christmas that we all subconsciously imagine. From the trip to the "mall Santa" to the sleepless night of Christmas eve, this movie bombards you with those classic moments. It is kid friendly, but my wife and I enjoy it just as much ourselves. If you're looking for a movie to get you into the swing of things, check it out.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Remember, Just Because I'm a Doctor Doesn't Mean I'm A Licenced Physican

Land of the Lost
Who else remembers watching this cheese ball series on TV? Well, I did so when I saw the preview, I was on the band wagon to the theaters.
The first twenty minutes of the movie, I laughed more than I have in a while, but like most quickly written comedies, the jokes took a turn for the worst pretty fast. It is hard to take something that is badly written already and remake it satirically, but with Will Ferrell, any level of stupidity is possible. I was disappointed in the fact that the previews give a false impression that it may be a kid friendly film; with the dinosaurs and silly jokes, but the drug use and homosexual humor definitely prove otherwise. All in all, I laughed a lot and I'm glad I got a chance to see it, but I probably won't watch it...................too many more times. What can I say; I like to laugh. Anyways, watch at your own, kid free risk.

Is That........Why, John, It IS You!!

The Taking of Pelham 123
I must say, this was a very good film, both tense and exciting, I enjoyed it very much. It was no surprise to find out that it is a remake,; most good films now a days are. Denzel was his usual debonair self, playing the cool, collective man, no matter what the situation. Travolta on the other hand, was completely out of character and I liked it!! Yes, I've seen him as a villain on numerous occations: Broken Arrow, Faceoff, & The Punisher, to name a few. But this reckless bad boy act was cool, everything from the handlebar mustache and tattoo to the ranting of a maniac attitude. Hands down, it suited him well. Oh, and in case you haven't noticed: Travolta's getting old, but he's doing it well. For that, I would like to say: welcome John, as you join the list of really cool old guys like, Bruce Willis, Mel Gibson, Clint Eastwood, and even Denzel Washington.
Awesome movie. Go and see it and if you have, go and see it again. Two thumbs are up on this one!!

Bloody Hell, Harry, You're Getting Old!!

Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince
As we watched the movie, my wife asked me "They're still in school?" A valid question I guess, seeing as how Harry looks about old enough to be married, but that's another subject. On to the movie!
Well, I guess the mystical wonders and and magical creatures have to be left behind so we can get down to the nitty grtty as our favorite boy wizard approaches the end of his movie trail. This movie does not hold the awe and wonder of some of the previous films, but it is necessary to leave some of those things behind in order to wrap up the elongated plot line that have been building over the last five films. Though sobering, it was a good continuation of the story and I enjoyed it none the less. My only complaint is towards the emphasis the film had on the affections and relationships of the characters. I think it would have been just as good without the teenage drama. Other than that, I am anticipating a great final film to come (the next is the last, right?) and will be adding the Half Blood Prince to my collection.

Up, Up, And Away!!


Ok, for a silly animated film, it is hitting my top ten list for the year. I was pleasantly surprised by a greater plot line than most of the live action films I've seen lately. The beginning is enough to get your attention and make you want to see it through. Great for both adults and kids, as it has incredable graphics, witty humor, and great colors. I thoroughly enjoyed it through and through and will be adding it to my library as soon as it hits the streets. Kudos Disney for doing it again!

G. I. WHO????

G. I. Joe

Wow!! Another movie to prick the nostalgic childhood memories of mine that are so fond..................or is it.
Long awaited film portraying some of America's most beloved, patriotic cartoon characters has hit the big screen. But wait, I don't remember any of these people!?!?
I have to say, this movie was a sore moment for me, recognizing only Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow in their character lineup was only the beginning. As far as I can remember, none of the characters in my favorite Saturday cartoon wore indestructible, rollerblading space suites. I also could have sworn that Duke was past adolescence. With that being said, we turn to the story line..........if you can find one. Very simple, something my 12 year old sister could have thought up and nothing more. Bottom line; the entire movie was one long chase seen with a bunch of our Brad Pitts of today baring the names of our animated heroes. Unfortunately for Walmart, I will not be purchasing this one.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

No, I Love You!!

I Love You Man
I was on and off again about reviewing this one because it's what I like to call a fence rider; not really good but not a hater. This is a classic romantic comedy that your girl (or you if you are one) will want to see. As for a guy's perspective, I don't think I have squirmed that much in my chair since I watched a documentary on castration (kidding, but it's a good point of reference). Paul Rudd, though funny man that he is, has that Will Ferrell, Ben Stiller way of innocently approaching an extremely awkward situation. So much so that before you know it, you are head long into a overdone joke on a subject that most people would never let utter from their lips. other that, I loved the part with Ferrigno,..... but that was in the the previews. Then the part where he insults the guy for farting....wait that was in the previews too. Yeah it was one of those. If you've seen the previews, you've seen the good stuff. Anyways, I think my thumbs are wabbling on this one. you'll probably see it and if you're a guy, you'll probably long to see Die Hard afterwords. Oh Well.


Young Guns &
Young Guns 2
To anyone that doesn't know, these two movies are classics and must for any film enthusiast. Don't give me that "but I don't like westerns" excuse. In fact I wouldn't even categorize these as full blown Westerns.
Each film stars a Plethora of good actors, with Emilio Estevez holding the stage as the main, playing the role of the notorious Billy The Kid. We all know of the historical shoot out and The Kid's disappearance, but unlike Depp's "Public Enemies", I actually had hope until the end.
These are a "watch over and over again" pair of movies and I loved and still love seeing them. Plus, any film that would inspire Bon Jovi to write a hit title can't be anything too bad. Mucho Bueno, Mr. Director for thoroughly entertaining me.

HMMM, Kids, why Don't You Go in the Other Room


OK, can't have a movie blog and not mention this one. All I have to say is this was one of the most ill promoted movies I have ever seen. PLEASE don't take your kids, thinking that it's the next great superhero flick because there will be lots of explaining to do afterwords. Going into it with the wrong idea that it was going to be a cool action film was the first mistake of the night. sitting it out, hoping for redemption was the second. From childhood trauma, mutilation, and elongated sex scenes, this movie had it all.................except for what I had gone to see.
Cinematography galore cannot hide the lame story line of a bunch of has beens trying to rectify why they became the losers they are. So is it a tale of once upon a time heroes? I thought maybe so until the flashback scenes revealed their demented beginnings. I mean, come on Hollywood!! Who's warped brain thought superheroes should try to rape one another?!?!

OK, I've vented enough. Bottom line, I'm glad I saw it so that I can warn the world to keep their distance, but I will NEVER see it again and two thumbs have hit the floor with a resounding BLAAHH!!

New Jet Li Movie?!?! Where, When??

The Warlords

I guess it's almost unfair to review this film because it's inevitable that I will be biased seeing as how Li is one of my all time favorite actors, But what the hey, here I go with my attempt to look at it objectively.
First off, it premiered in 2007, but new to me because to my knowledge, it never opened in the US of A. I'll start by saying, you must have a pallet for foreign films because it is not in English and it is formulated in the classic dramatized film making ways of the orient. Much like "Curse Of the Golden Flower" it takes a long time to say anything in this movie.
Set in the ancient times of the orient, when nations were easily torn in conflicts, Jet Li stars as a once great general who strives to obtain his former glory through insurmountable means. It's a classic battle of morals and filled with honor amongst men that seems to be completely foreign to our own American movies. Without ruining the end, You will be surprised to see an unforeseen hero arise. All in all, though my draw to this movie was a film star, I was highly pleased with the film in itself and I deffinately will be getting my copy shipped from overseas. Kudos not so much to the man, but to the movie.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


It took me a while to think of a movie i could write a good review about since the quality of movies now a days has dropped significantly, but then i remembered Felon.

felon Pictures, Images and Photos

From the very beginning this movie starts out interesting and keeps on coming. I sat through the whole hour and forty-four minutes without getting up once because the movie is so intense. In the beginning you feel so bad for this poor guy (Stephen Dorff)but by the end you are cheering him on feeling sorry for whoever is against him. Usually i am not a fan of prison movies but this was indeed a worthwhile film. Not to mention Val Kilmer is strikingly captivating. All i can say is if you can handle a little bit of blood and brutality, both physical and mental give this movie a watch. Hell i'd even watch it a second time, and that never happens. Five kudos.

thumbs up Pictures, Images and Photos

Definitely Lost In Translation

Lost in Translation Pictures, Images and Photos

First of all i find Scarlet Johanson slightly intriguing and I'm still not sure why. Maybe it's her husky voice or her ability to seduce men (mostly because that's all her characters do in movies, can you say type-casted) Anyways despite her allure the movie Lost In Translation was not the "classic" it's been made out to be. The plot, if there was one, was tough to discern. Bill Murray is indeed a funny guy but was Scarlet Johansons' character created for the sole purpose of laughing at his jokes and quirky humor? Seriously what was this movie about? I am hoping that there is a deep down hidden meaning behind the slow drawn out scenes; to be honest the only thing that kept me watching was thinking that all that was set-up for something to happen, but nothing ever did. This movie gets one and a half kudos from me, simply for the part where Bill Murray was wearing a shirt ill suited for the occasion and then he takes it off and turns it inside out instead of changing.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, What Will You Do Next

Public Enemies

Ah, and here he is yet again. The actor with the most serious Identity Crisis I have ever seen. Atleast in this one, he had less makeup and no sequins adorning his costume.
Enough railing on the man, let's talk about his latest flick. Who doesn't like a good gangster movie with an old fashioned gun fight? That's why I raced to see this one, only to have one word railing through my mind as I exited the theater: DEPRESSING! Anyone who's anyone knows of the notorious John Dillinger and is well aware of his demise. I personally didn't need to see two hours of film leading up to it. "You just don't know a good movie when you see it!" is what I'm blasted with, but truth be told, I go to be entertained and when I know the ending before five minutes of the movie has passed, my criteria for being impressed moves up a step. Unfortunately, this one didn't make it up that high. As far as Johnny's part; eh, I'm sure seeing him as the Mad Hatter in the next film will show him as the actor he truly is at heart. Besides I think Bedazzled outfits are what suits the man the best. My biggest question is: when are we going to see another pirate movie?
I'm sure this film will be plastered over many movie award ceremonies but when it's all said and done, I will not pay to own this.

Had To See It Twice

Monsters VS Aliens

So I have a big WOW on this one. Totally took me off guard. From the beginning, I found it intriguing, with the little twist away from the classic childish ways of the computer graphic cartoons we have grown to be accustomed to seeing. In fact, other than occasional slap stick humor, I wouldn't even label it as a "kid" movie. Most of the jokes went way over my little sister's head (and she's pretty smart for a 12 year old) and I even had to ponder on some of the vague references. FYI: it wasn't until my second viewing that the random cow being helicoptered by triggered memories of the "feeding" on Jurassic Park.
All in all, great film, animated very well and cleverly written. Though the kids I saw it with spent most of the time with confused looks on their faces, I was thoroughly entertained and that is what really matters.

Just cause it's Christian Bale, doesn't make it right

Terminator: Salvation

I have to say, for one of my favorite current actors, this brought him down a notch in my view. All special effects aside, they could have replaced the ending with the ending from the original movie and no one would have been the wiser.
As far as our cinematically saturated hero, Bale: his muffled voice heard over an old army radio has more presence in the film than the man himself. Am I sorry I saw it? Well, that goes without saying: of course I'm not. It's the finale to a classic American Film series. I think any movie enthusiast should see it just because. And that way we can add it to the ever growing list of finale flops that have been bombarding our Theatres. This, my friends, can be placed in line with the final Indiana Jones, Rambo, and a plethora of others that just weren't worthy of their predesessors. My last word: watch, don't buy.