OK, can't have a movie blog and not mention this one. All I have to say is this was one of the most ill promoted movies I have ever seen. PLEASE don't take your kids, thinking that it's the next great superhero flick because there will be lots of explaining to do afterwords. Going into it with the wrong idea that it was going to be a cool action film was the first mistake of the night. sitting it out, hoping for redemption was the second. From childhood trauma, mutilation, and elongated sex scenes, this movie had it all.................except for what I had gone to see.
Cinematography galore cannot hide the lame story line of a bunch of has beens trying to rectify why they became the losers they are. So is it a tale of once upon a time heroes? I thought maybe so until the flashback scenes revealed their demented beginnings. I mean, come on Hollywood!! Who's warped brain thought superheroes should try to rape one another?!?!
OK, I've vented enough. Bottom line, I'm glad I saw it so that I can warn the world to keep their distance, but I will NEVER see it again and two thumbs have hit the floor with a resounding BLAAHH!!
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