Saturday, September 12, 2009


It took me a while to think of a movie i could write a good review about since the quality of movies now a days has dropped significantly, but then i remembered Felon.

felon Pictures, Images and Photos

From the very beginning this movie starts out interesting and keeps on coming. I sat through the whole hour and forty-four minutes without getting up once because the movie is so intense. In the beginning you feel so bad for this poor guy (Stephen Dorff)but by the end you are cheering him on feeling sorry for whoever is against him. Usually i am not a fan of prison movies but this was indeed a worthwhile film. Not to mention Val Kilmer is strikingly captivating. All i can say is if you can handle a little bit of blood and brutality, both physical and mental give this movie a watch. Hell i'd even watch it a second time, and that never happens. Five kudos.

thumbs up Pictures, Images and Photos

Definitely Lost In Translation

Lost in Translation Pictures, Images and Photos

First of all i find Scarlet Johanson slightly intriguing and I'm still not sure why. Maybe it's her husky voice or her ability to seduce men (mostly because that's all her characters do in movies, can you say type-casted) Anyways despite her allure the movie Lost In Translation was not the "classic" it's been made out to be. The plot, if there was one, was tough to discern. Bill Murray is indeed a funny guy but was Scarlet Johansons' character created for the sole purpose of laughing at his jokes and quirky humor? Seriously what was this movie about? I am hoping that there is a deep down hidden meaning behind the slow drawn out scenes; to be honest the only thing that kept me watching was thinking that all that was set-up for something to happen, but nothing ever did. This movie gets one and a half kudos from me, simply for the part where Bill Murray was wearing a shirt ill suited for the occasion and then he takes it off and turns it inside out instead of changing.